Happy Halloween!
As you all know, it is ALMOST Halloween! Hehe! Well, I’m on call break, and it’s been sooo fun! Like I stayed at my grandmas house, and so many other things. I can’t name them all though. Funny how that happens! What are you going to be for Halloween? Comment on this blog to tell…
Hey I’m back… again
Anyways hello guys! It is currently 11:45 pm and it is a nice Saturday night. I think most of you will see this tomorrow or after, and that is ok cause sleep is best for the human body. Anyways, back onto the topic, I really need to clean my rooms. Yeah, rooms. Both of my…
Just a blog
Hello!! As we all know, school is (or should be) in session! For me, it’s the fourth day of school. We had a page of math yesterday, and a lot of people including me, finished it! I’m about to go on the bus but I still have a bit of time left. I have been…
Hello! And sorry for not posting on awhile! I have been very busy lately and haven’t really gotten a chance. So, next Wednesday is ( and I think) the last day of school!!! I am so exited but sad. My teacher has been really nice to me and I have barely ever gotten in trouble!…
Back Again
So, I am back from my field trip and it took forever for it to end. But at least I can tell you all about it. So, first of all, THE ONE HOUR THEY SAID THE RIDE WOULD BE IT FELT LIKE THERE HOURS. The bus was crazy and the ride to the museum I…